Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Canadian Drugstore Shares the Challenges of Breast Cancer Patients Today

Females with breast cancer experience further imaging tests after diagnosis and before surgery compared in the early 1990s.??In lieu, their consumption of?Canada drugs?has also increased.

Females with breast cancer experience further imaging tests after diagnosis and before surgery compared in the early 1990s.? In lieu, their consumption of?

?has also increased.

"The burden to the patient is increasing substantially," said study leader Dr. Richard Bleicher, an associate professor of surgical oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. "For older patients, especially, coordination of care is needed," he said.

"Patients are having a lot more imaging done overall," he said. "I can't tell you whether the imaging was appropriate or not appropriate."

The rise in imaging examinations does not amaze Dr. Carol Lee, head of the communications committee for the American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Commission.

"Practices have changed," she said. "Standards of care have changed. ?Since 1992, imaging technology has advanced greatly," she said, noting "there are more, and better, options."

"One limitation of the study," she said, "is that the outcomes are not addressed.? This is not telling the whole story," she said. "What gets lost in the numbers is, what are the possible benefits of this additional imaging?"

"Yes, we are doing more tests," she said. "But we are not doing tests for the sake of doing tests."? Aside from the tests medications should not be forgotten, to?

?is one of the best choices.

"Some states have laws that address self-referral," said Shawn Farley, spokesperson for the American College of Radiology. "The specifics of the laws vary."

Lee approved with Bleicher that physicians should try hard for improved management of imaging exams.

"If your doctor orders imaging, ask why it's needed," Bleicher recommends. ?"You might also ask if the doctor expects more imaging will be needed and if so, whether it's possible to schedule tests together," he said.? Also, check with your nearest?

?if there are meds prescribed in addition to the tests.


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