Saturday, March 31, 2012

Panel backs sharing studies of lab-made bird flu

(AP) ? The U.S. government's biosecurity advisers said Friday they support publishing research studies showing how scientists made new easy-to-spread forms of bird flu because the studies, now revised, don't reveal details bioterrorists could use.

The decision could end a debate that began in December when the government took the unprecedented step of asking the scientists not to publicize all the details of their work.

The research, by two scientific teams ? one in Wisconsin, the other in the Netherlands ? was funded by the United States. It was an effort to learn more about the potential threat from bird flu in Asia. The virus so far doesn't spread easily among people. But the new lab-made viruses spread easily among ferrets, suggesting they would also spread among humans.

Last year, after reviewing earlier versions of the papers, the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity said publishing full details would be too risky. The federal government agreed.

Scientists around the world debated the matter. Many argued that full publication would help scientists track dangerous mutations in natural bird flu viruses and test vaccines and treatments.

On Friday, board members, meeting in Washington, announced they are satisfied with the revised papers. The panel's advice now goes to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for a decision.

The board unanimously supported publication of one study, led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka, of the University of Wisconsin. By majority vote it supported publication of the key parts of a second study, from Ron Fouchier, of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

In an email, Kawaoka said the revisions to his paper "were mainly a more in-depth explanation of the significance of the findings to public health and a description of the laboratory biosafety and biosecurity."

Editors of the journals Science and Nature, which plan to publish the works, said they were pleased by the recommendation.

"Subject to any outstanding regulatory and legal issues, we intend to proceed with publication as soon as possible," said Philip Campbell, editor-in-chief of Nature.

The manmade viruses are locked in high-security labs. Publication in scientific journals is how scientists share their work so that their colleagues can build on it, perhaps finding ways to better monitor and thwart bird flu in the wild, for example.

University of Pennsylvania bioethics professor Art Caplan said the board's recommendation makes sense, primarily because the information in the studies is already being shared among scientists.

"The details of this paper are already out, these two papers. The horse is out of the barn, and trying to yank it back doesn't make much sense," Caplan said.

Natural bird flu has infected people through close contact with animals, and it doesn't easily spread from person to person. Scientists fear that a highly transmissible bird flu could cause a lethal pandemic.

The researchers say the transmissible germs they created did not actually kill the lab animals.

The bird flu virus, called H5N1, has spread mostly through poultry in Asia for the past decade. It has killed more than 300 people since 2003, mostly in Asia.

Associated Press

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Tax-Free Profits on All of Your Real Estate ? ? Finance information ...

Harness the power of real estate and alternative asset investing in on IRA to make tax-free or tax-deferred profits for the rest of your life!

After completing a successful real estate transaction, do you ever wish a chunk of the profits didn? t have to go back to the IRS for taxes? Do you ever dream about how many more real estate deals you could do or how many more properties you could buy if profits weren? T split with the government because of taxes?

Well dream no more. Realizing tax-free or tax-deferred profits on real estate and alternative asset investing is a reality. Government sponsored retirement plans and IRAs as seeking 401 (k) s allow you to invest in almost anything (including real estate), not just stocks, bonds and mutual funds. And all the benefits those plans provide, tax-deductions and tax-free profits, apply to whatever investment you choose, including real estate. The Power of Tax-Deferred and Tax-Free Profits? / b>

?The most powerful force on Earth is compounding interest.? ? Albert Einstein

One of an IRA?s greatest features is that It allows Americans to enjoy the true power of tax-deferred compounding interest. Compound interest is earned on interest OCCURS when a principal sum along with any accumulated interest on that sum. In other words, you are not earning interest only on your original investment sum, but also on the interest earned from the original sum.

Compound interest can occur with any investment you make, but the ?true? power compounding of interest is when you make an investment Obtained in a tax-deferred environment, like an IRA.

By taking advantage of an IRA?s tax-deferred status, you do not have to pay tax immediately on your earnings (like the sale of a property or rent collected). Thus, you are able to enjoy the power of compounding on ALL of your profit, not just what is left after taxes.

Now apply those benefits to your real estate or alternative asset investing. Tax-deferred profits on your real estate transactions Allows greater flexibility to make more investments, or to just sit back and watch your real estate investment grow in value, without worrying about taxes. Is This for Real?

Most investors do not know this opportunity exists because most IRA custodians Thurs not offer truly self-directed IRAs that allow Americans to invest in real estate and other non-traditional investments. ? / p> Often, when you ask a custodian / trustee, ?Can I invest in real estate with IRA at?? they will say, I?ve never heard of that ?or,? No, you can not do that. ?What they really mean is that you can not do this at their company because they only offer stocks, mutual funds, bonds , or CD products.

Only a truly self-directed IRA custodian like Equity Trust Company ( will allow you to invest in all forms of real estate or any other investments not prohibited by the Internal Revenue Service.

Is This Legal?

It sure is. For more than 33 years and through the management of $ 2 billion in IRA assets, Equity Trust has assisted clients in increasing their financial wealth by investing in a variety of opportunities from real estate and private placements to stocks and bonds in self-directed IRAs and small business retirement plans.

IRS Publication 590 (dealing with IRAs) states what investments are prohibited;. these investments include artwork, stamps, rugs, antiques, and gems All other investments, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, mortgages, and private placements, are perfectly acceptable as long as IRS rules governing retirement plans are followed (To view IRS Publication 590, please visit []).

Getting Started

? Is it hard to do? is a common question about investing in real estate with a self-directed IRA. It is really simple and is very similar to the way you currently invest in real estate. The following five steps demonstrate how easy it is trate to invest in real estate, or just about anything else, with a self-directed IRA.

1) Establish an account with a self-directed IRA custodian.
First, you must Establish an account with a self-directed IRA custodian and Equity Trust Company is your best option. For more information on why Equity Trust is the right choice for your self-directed IRA needs visit,

Setting up of IRA account with Equity Trust usually takes only minutes to complete by filling out a simple application and sending (or faxing) it to our office.

2) fund your account.
Next you have to fund the account, and this is just as easy as opening a self-directed IRA account. There are two ways to fund your account.

? Contributions
You can contribute to your account through a check or wire transfer and contribution limits range from $ 4,000 -. $ 50,000 Depending On Which account you choose

? Transfer / Rollover

In most cases, if you have an existing retirement plan as seeking to IRA, 401k, or 403b these funds can be Transferred to a self-directed IRA Allowing you to make real estate IRA investments.

3) Investment Found:? You re set to go !
Now that you???ve Got your account established, funded and you???ve Identified a real estate investment, you are ready to make an investment.

Making a real estate investment with your IRA is straightforward if you remember a few simple rules. First, complete a Direction of Investment (DOI) DOI instructs the custodian Form. A where and how to remit funds from your IRA for your self-directed real estate purchase. information contained on the DOI includes the property address, cost, funding instructions (check / wire), etc. In addition to the DOI, the custodian will need accompanying investment documents to Ensure proper titling of the investment

4) Ensuring proper title.: You and your IRA are not the same.
One of the most common mistakes (and cause of delays) in real estate IRA investing is when the property is titled incorrectly. Frequently the IRA owner will incorrectly put their personal name on the title of the property.

Remember you and your IRA are two separate entities, and as such, the property needs to be titled in the name of your IRA and not you personally.

? The correct title for a real estate (or other asset) IRA investment is:

Equity Trust Company custodian FBO (for benefit of) YOUR NAME IRA

5) What happens after your IRA owns the property?
Now that your IRA has purchased the property you need to remember two things:

? Expenses: Any expenses associated with the property (maintenance, improvements, property taxes, condo association, general bills, etc.) must come from the IRA

.? Cash flow / profit: All net profits must return to the IRA, meaning all income (rent) and profits (selling of property) are deposited back into your IRA account tax-free

That is all?? there is to it, it ? ? s as simple as 1-2-3. Account in no time at all you can be investing in real estate and other alternative assets receiving tax-free or tax-deferred profits for the rest of your life.

Don? T delay in opening in. Every day that passes is one less day your investment can benefit from the Earth? S most powerful force (at least according to Einstein), compounding interest. id=?article-resource?> self-directed IRA investing, the plans and services available to you, and how to get started, please contact Equity Trust Company via or by phone at 1-877-693-8209 .

Jeffrey Desich is president of Equity Administrative Services and a Registered Principal with Mid Ohio Securities. Additionally, he is Actively involved in Real Estate and the Financial Services Industry. As an expert on real estate investing with self-directed retirement accounts, Jeff has written Numerous articles concerning self-directed IRAs and speaks extensively across the country, educating investors on the topic. With his knowledge and understanding of self-directed IRAs, Jeff has helped thousands of real estate investors create retirement plans for Themselves and their families. Jeff has been quoted in a number of financial publications, including CBS MarketWatch and Investor?s Business Daily, and is a guest lecturer at The Ohio State University ? s prestigious Max Fisher College of Business.

Article Source:


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Jeudi 29 mars 2012 4 29 /03 /Mars /2012 13:56

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Never ever do business with Samsung India Software Operations ...

Never ever do business with Samsung India Software Operations - QuirksBlog

Never ever do business with Samsung India Software Operations

Back in October 2010 I was very glad to receive a mail from the people behind the Samsung Dolfin browser, who turned out to work from Bangalore, India, asking for my cooperation in making it better and even offering to pay me for it. Unfortunately, by now it turns out that they?re a bunch of fucking assholes who don?t do as they promise. This is to serve as a warning to others NEVER to do business with them.

It should be noted that the engineers are perfectly all-right and reasonable and can easily be talked to. It?s the fucking bureaucratic assholes in "HR" that are the enemy who?ve fucked up my life in the last year or so.

As I said, I received the initial mail in October 2010, and by the end of December we both had decided to continue with the job. They asked me to fill out some paperwork, and I did so in early January 2011.

And then I waited. And waited. And waited. I sent a mail in February asking how we should continue, especially because I had a lot of free time then and wouldn?t mind a job. I repeated this in March, and finally one of the engineers came back to me from his private mail address, saying he?d never seen such a bureaucratic fuck-up in his life (and for an Indian that?s quite something).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, at the end of August 2011 I was asked to start my work on October 1st, exactly the date I already told them I wasn?t going to be available any more. Of course this demand came from the HR fucker. An engineer intervened, and we were able to set a sensible deadline.

I received a secret prototype (and had to pay about ?50 in taxes, which later turned out SISO wasn?t going to reimburse), did my research, and discovered some bugs. As far as I know the engineers liked my work and it helped them to make Samsung Dolfin a better browser. So far so not too bad.

Then came the invoicing process. Before, I had already been warned that I?d have to pay 20% Indian tax, unless I got a PAN card, whatever that is, in which case the tax would be cut to 10%. I tried to phone the Indian embassy here in Holland about getting a PAN card, but it exclusively consisted of bureaucratic assholes, so I decided to give up, especially when my tax consultant let me know I could deduct the Indian tax from my Dutch taxes.

But this wasn?t enough, of course. More forms had to be filled out. I admit I took a break of a month here because I was just sick of the entire process. But in January 2012, two months after finishing the job and thirteen months after initial contact, I took it up again and asked some questions about the forms. I also sent test forms by mail with the request to look at them and tell me if anything was wrong with them.

This went on for three fucking months.

The last question was about a banking number I forget the name of, but that?s only used in the US. I suggested we?d use the international IBAN standard instead, but unfortunately their financial specialist was out traveling, probably to fuck other software engineers, and they couldn?t answer it. And couldn?t answer it. And couldn?t answer it.

And then, to top it off, early this week they sent me YET ANOTHER FUCKING FORM that I don?t understand and that needs all kinds of authorized autographs plus a detailed knowledge of the Indian-Dutch tax treaty.

Today, I decided to give up. I sent a mail to all my SISO contacts that made liberal use of the word ?fuck? in a business context, and decided to forget about ever getting my money. It?s just not worth the trouble. And I hope that fucking Ganesh fucking Patel of fucking SISO will burn in fucking bureaucratic hell fucking forever because he doesn?t fucking understand the fucking release forms.

Anyway, this is a warning. Never EVER work for SISO. You won?t get your money. Spread the word.

And fuck them.

Never ever do business with Samsung India Software Operations - QuirksBlog

Never ever do business with Samsung India Software Operations

Back in October 2010 I was very glad to receive a mail from the people behind the Samsung Dolfin browser, who turned out to work from Bangalore, India, asking for my cooperation in making it better and even offering to pay me for it. Unfortunately, by now it turns out that they?re a bunch of fucking assholes who don?t do as they promise. This is to serve as a warning to others NEVER to do business with them.

It should be noted that the engineers are perfectly all-right and reasonable and can easily be talked to. It?s the fucking bureaucratic assholes in "HR" that are the enemy who?ve fucked up my life in the last year or so.

As I said, I received the initial mail in October 2010, and by the end of December we both had decided to continue with the job. They asked me to fill out some paperwork, and I did so in early January 2011.

And then I waited. And waited. And waited. I sent a mail in February asking how we should continue, especially because I had a lot of free time then and wouldn?t mind a job. I repeated this in March, and finally one of the engineers came back to me from his private mail address, saying he?d never seen such a bureaucratic fuck-up in his life (and for an Indian that?s quite something).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, at the end of August 2011 I was asked to start my work on October 1st, exactly the date I already told them I wasn?t going to be available any more. Of course this demand came from the HR fucker. An engineer intervened, and we were able to set a sensible deadline.

I received a secret prototype (and had to pay about ?50 in taxes, which later turned out SISO wasn?t going to reimburse), did my research, and discovered some bugs. As far as I know the engineers liked my work and it helped them to make Samsung Dolfin a better browser. So far so not too bad.

Then came the invoicing process. Before, I had already been warned that I?d have to pay 20% Indian tax, unless I got a PAN card, whatever that is, in which case the tax would be cut to 10%. I tried to phone the Indian embassy here in Holland about getting a PAN card, but it exclusively consisted of bureaucratic assholes, so I decided to give up, especially when my tax consultant let me know I could deduct the Indian tax from my Dutch taxes.

But this wasn?t enough, of course. More forms had to be filled out. I admit I took a break of a month here because I was just sick of the entire process. But in January 2012, two months after finishing the job and thirteen months after initial contact, I took it up again and asked some questions about the forms. I also sent test forms by mail with the request to look at them and tell me if anything was wrong with them.

This went on for three fucking months.

The last question was about a banking number I forget the name of, but that?s only used in the US. I suggested we?d use the international IBAN standard instead, but unfortunately their financial specialist was out traveling, probably to fuck other software engineers, and they couldn?t answer it. And couldn?t answer it. And couldn?t answer it.

And then, to top it off, early this week they sent me YET ANOTHER FUCKING FORM that I don?t understand and that needs all kinds of authorized autographs plus a detailed knowledge of the Indian-Dutch tax treaty.

Today, I decided to give up. I sent a mail to all my SISO contacts that made liberal use of the word ?fuck? in a business context, and decided to forget about ever getting my money. It?s just not worth the trouble. And I hope that fucking Ganesh fucking Patel of fucking SISO will burn in fucking bureaucratic hell fucking forever because he doesn?t fucking understand the fucking release forms.

Anyway, this is a warning. Never EVER work for SISO. You won?t get your money. Spread the word.

And fuck them.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why candidates' gaffe-a-thon is good for us (CNN)

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Mobile Patents Developing: T-Mobile USA Sued By OTI Over Use Of NFC in Nokia, HTC Smartphones

11-T-Mobile-HTC-Amaze-4GHere we go again: today brings another mobile patent infringement suit filed -- this time against T-Mobile USA, and over a technology that has had very little use to date, but a lot of potential. On Track Innovations says that the carrier is selling NFC-enabled phones that violate an OTI patent. NFC is the technology that is the centerpiece for a number of contactless mobile payments services and data sharing other applications.


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Obama pledges nuclear cuts, warns N. Korea and Iran

[ [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 16]], '', '[RELATED:?It?s going to be a circus?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 12]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '450', ' ', 'Reuters/Jonathan Ernst', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

NCAA Tournament 2012, Baylor Vs. Xavier Final Score: Quincy Acy Propels Bears To 75-70 Victory

Senior forward Quincy Acy put together, probably, his best collegiate performance at the most perfect time Friday, as he scored a team-high 20 points and collected a game-best 15 rebounds to help the No. 3-seeded Baylor Bears down No. 10 Xavier Musketeers, 75-70, in a NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16 contest. The Bears (30-7) move onto the South Regional final to face either No. 1 Kentucky Wildcats or No. 4 Indiana Hoosiers on Sunday.

Junior guard Pierre Jackson scored 16 points and sophomore forward Perry Jones III added 14 for Baylor, which shot 50-percent from the floor. The night, however, belonged to Acy, who put on a clinic on how to compile dunk-highlight video, as well as, dominating the boards all night.

Trailing by as much as 18 points earlier in the first half, Xavier (23-13) trimmed Baylor's lead to just three points, 63-60, with less than 30 seconds remaining.

The Musketeers couldn't complete the comeback, as Bears' sophomore guard Brady Heslip netted four of his 11 total points at the free throw line to cement the victory. Xavier may have been able to won the contest if they didn't shoot 3-for-14 from behind the 3-point line.

Overall, Xavier senior guard Tu Holloway finished with a game-high 22 points in his final collegiate contest, while junior guard Mark Lyons added 16.

For more on the Bears, head to Our Daily Bears.

Check out the SB Nation Channel on YouTube


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MaxBlumenthal: Ron Paul the only GOP candidate who hasn't commented on #Trayvon Martin killing

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Ron Paul the only GOP candidate who hasn't commented on #Trayvon Martin killing MaxBlumenthal

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Online Video Marketing and Video SEO | SEO Complete Solution

Write-up by Frank Robertson

Websites that are relying on the outdated optimization tactics are now intrigued in the most modern on-line video clip marketing and advertising. Attracting the visitors to your site is a single amongst the wearisome jobs if you have nothing to offer you, but pages and pages of text. In this digital period, individuals are in the hunt for readily obtainable details that can come to their help when required. Visual components are strong as they have the potential to attain the masses than any other advertising entity. The Seo specialists are unraveling progressive strategies that would help you experience new and enhanced promotional techniques.

Interactive online advertising has always proved to be yielding the results. The audio visible aspects posted on internet sites for solution advertising or promoting has the capacity to achieve the masses with lightning pace. If you have been in the on the internet market place since a pair of months, you would have surely come throughout the time period ?viral?. The social networks can make your beneficial visible factors go viral that it may possibly fascination 1000?s of people therefore making your energy effective. Fascinating clips are not constantly effortless to be developed. Your on the web movie advertising and marketing would be incomplete if the picture developed convey no messages or do not market nearly anything advantageous to you. You would require the help of professionals, who can lend you a assisting hand in pre-manufacturing and post-production duties concerned in the creation. The static content material nowadays have lower engagement value when when compared to the dynamic aspects. The fact that YouTube is the 2nd greatest research search engine indicates that the demand for the films is on the rise.

Bombarding your viewers with unrelated info would not only do any excellent to your site, but might harm your track record. Rather of throwing your means at the needless adverts, it is crucial to target on the important aspects of your business that you wish to advertise by way of online movie advertising and marketing. You require movies that do much more than just communication. The higher top quality clips that you develop ought to be able to evoke feelings in the viewers to develop a momentum. It is essential that you emphasis on video SEO also, to aid your internet site attain greater ranking in the research engines. Attractive clips that are technically audio would be ready to assist your promotional campaign a success. Creative tips are always valued by the guests so that your target needs to be in giving uniqueness.

The visual files, if not compressed and edited appropriately may possibly increase the bounce fee of your website as this boosts the load time of the webpage. The individuals right now are accustomed to the speedy paced life-style that they detest to remain on a webpage that is not loading in 15 seconds. Make sure that you choose the specialists in the on-line video advertising and marketing industry who can produce commercials, promotional resources, product intros and more. The experts never ever compromise on the high quality to reduce the file dimensions. Escalating the consumer database would not be a challenging task if you have important information to offer them. The advertising and marketing resources posted in various social networks can assist you generate brand name consciousness.


Megan Davies is the creator of this report on On the internet video clip marketing and advertising. Find a lot more details, about Video Seo right here


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Friday, March 23, 2012

High-res Mountain Lion art could point to Retina Macs in 2012

Apple developers test-driving the latest Mountain Lion (10.8) release may have noticed some higher-res graphics erroneously popping up in "unexpected places," such as the double-size phone icon that appears alongside an audio chat invitation in Messages. One such dev reported his findings to Ars Technica, as you can see evidenced in the graphic above. This mild slip-up could imply that Apple plans to release Macs with high-density displays later this year, or, at the very least, that Mountain Lion will be Retina-ready. High-res support dates back to OS X Lion, which is reportedly equipped to play nice with HiDPI displays, should they eventually become available. Compatible icons are but a second piece of the puzzle, which could be completed to the tune of deliciously dense 2880 x 1800 (or higher) resolution 15-inch LCDs. Wouldn't you love to see that.

High-res Mountain Lion art could point to Retina Macs in 2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 23 Mar 2012 11:09:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink   |  sourceArs Technica  | Email this | Comments


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Corn Dog Muffin Bites | Weelicious ? - Fast, Easy & Fresh ...

What food is more uniquely American than a corn dog? Well, you could probably name a few, but corn dogs are not something you normally find in most parts of the world. One of the original meals-on-a-stick, corn dogs are something I associate with childhood. My kids had never tried them before, but the thought of putting a big pot of sizzling oil on the stove to fry them the batter in while my little ones are running around the kitchen is enough to make me not dare try a homemade version (not to mention I don?t love frying anything).

This baked version is a great way to let your kids enjoy this nostalgic treat without all the mess and potential hazards. Crunchy cornbread wrapped around little slices of your favorite hot dogs make this recipe a fun change of pace for school lunch or even a quick dinner!

Corn Dog Muffin Bites (Makes 40)

1 3/4 Cup Cornmeal*
3/4 Cup All Purpose Flour
1 Tbsp Baking Powder
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/4 Cup Honey
1 1/2 Cup Buttermilk
2 Large Eggs
1/4 Vegetable Oil
3 Hot Dogs, cut into 1/2-inch coins (turkey, veggie or beef)

1. Preheat oven to 425? degrees.
2. Mix the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the honey, buttermilk, eggs and oil.
4. Pour the dry cornmeal mixture into the wet ingredients and thoroughly combine with a whisk.*
5. Pour one tablespoon batter into greased mini muffin cups.
6. Lay turkey dog slice cut side down in the center of each batter-filled muffin cup.
7. Top with an additional tablespoon of batter.
8. Bake for 14 minutes and serve.

* Boxed cornbread mix also works great in this recipe. Follow the directions of the boxed mix and skip to step 5 to continue making the bites.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

'The Hunger Games,' a Japanese Original?

TOKYO - The story takes place in a dystopian future.

A tyrannical government, fearful of its youth, forces teens to fight to their death in a televised game.

Forty-two high school students are taken to a deserted island, given survival packs and random weapons, and told to hunt and kill one another, until there's just one survivor - the winner - left.

The plot-line is a familiar one to fans of the popular book series "The Hunger Games," but this?movie, released eight years before Suzanne Collins's books, takes place in Japan. Released in 2000, "Battle Royale," based on a 600-page novel by Japanese author Koushun Takami, became an instant cult classic, winning critical acclaim from Hollywood heavyweights such as director Quentin Tarantino, who called the violent film "his favorite movie of the last 20 years."

But the movie was never distributed in the United States because the film was deemed too gory at the time, in the aftermath of the Columbine shootings. With "The Hunger Games" movie set for release this Friday, fans of the Japanese classic have raised new questions about the authenticity of Collins' film, sparking a fierce debate online.

Critics of the American film have taken to Twitter to accuse Collins of "ripping off" a Japanese original. Her fans have posted YouTube videos defending the authenticity of the book's plotline. Grievances have been aired on Facebook pages, titled "Hunger Games is a rip-off of Battle Royale" and "Hunger Games wouldn't exist if it weren't for Battle Royale."

Questions about Takami's book have dogged Collins since she released her popular series in 2008, although the author has flatly denied prior knowledge of the book at every step.

She told the New York Times last year,??"I had never heard of that book or that author until my book was turned in. At that point, it was mentioned to me, and I asked my editor if I should read it. He said: "No, I don't want that world in your head. Just continue what you're doing."

The Times said Collins had yet to read the book or see the movie, although it's unclear whether the author has sought out the film since.

In a video posted by her publisher Scholastic, Collins says the storyline was instead inspired by reality-TV and the Iraq war. "These two things started to fuse together in a very unsettling way," she says.

Both Toei, the distributor of the Japanese film and the son of late director Kinji Fukasaku, declined ABC News' requests for an interview, saying it would be premature to comment without reading the book or watching the movie.

Author Takami did not return calls for comment.

Still, the similarities are difficult to ignore. Both evolve around children who are picked at random to take part in a death match televised on a game show. Participants are given explosive collars and duffel bags containing random weapons. The tyrannical government ships them off to a remote island, where they are told to kill and fight for survival. The protagonists of both films come from broken families.

Collins' fans say the similarities end there. For one, "The Hunger Games" is told in narrative form, through the eyes of Katniss Everdeen, unlike "Battle Royale." While the Japanese film is about the fight for survival, fans argue the U.S. movie is about a revolution.

It is a science-fiction film that takes place in a distant future, in a dramatically different environment. "Battle Royale" also takes place in the future, but society remains relatively unchanged for the characters, meaning they're familiar with the weapons and technology involved in the game.

The ongoing debate has meant welcome publicity for Anchor Bay Entertainment, which just released a four-disc set called "Battle Royale: The Complete Collection" on DVD and Blu-ray, the first time the Japanese film and its sequel have been widely distributed in the United States.

The trailer references the upcoming movie, quoting a movie critic who writes "without 'Battle Royale,' there would be no 'The Hunger Games.' This is the movie that started it all."

While bootlegs and imports have made the film a cult phenomenon in the past decade, the film was considered highly controversial when it first debuted in Japan. The country's ratings board fought to give the movie an 18-plus rating - the equivalent of a rated R - because of its graphic depiction of violence, despite protests by the director himself.

This isn't the first time Hollywood has been accused of borrowing Japanese story lines. In 1995, Disney's "The Lion King" was accused of ripping off the Japanese animation series "Kimba, the White Lion." ?

The company denied the charges, saying the similarities were coincidence.


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the attempts: Sex, porn and moralism

As someone who is sex-positive and polyamorous, my views on
sexuality and relationships can be at odds with those of the largely monogamous,
sex-negative mainstream. So it was encouraging to read Jennifer Wilson?s critique of anti-porn, anti-casual sex advocates and their self-righteous moralising.
Wilson?s essay is set within the context of Australian pornography laws (which local
anti-porn campaigners deem insufficiently censorial), but her cogent arguments are not
restricted to any one country or culture. Take these for example:
In my opinion some campaigners are engaged in a moral battle to control who may desire whom, when and how. Their arguments are founded on conservative moral assumptions about what sex is or ought to be, how it can and can?t be performed, and by whom. To this end they define pornography as not about sex, but solely about violence against women.

Anti porn campaigners conflate sexual violence and exploitation with pornography to strengthen their argument against it, even though there?s a variety of porn available, from the inoffensive to the frightening. They allow no exceptions: their position is that all porn is bad because all porn is inherently violent and exploitative.

Wilson correctly points out the ethical biases of those who want to impose their own sexual values on others, and the false generalisations they employ to achieve that end. She also exposes the idealistic view of sex that anti-porn campaigners and other sex-negative types tend to have:

Anti porn campaigners often express a view of sex that is sentimental and euphemistic. Sex should be devoid of messiness, vulgarity, impulses to power and aggression of any kind. Certain sexual acts disgust them, as campaigner Gail Dines makes graphically apparent. What really matters in sex, they claim, is the relationship. Sex as the expression of complicated emotions, not all of them pretty, sex as a performance of erotic power, male or female, and sex as a means of gratifying physical desire without emotional commitment, is apparently abhorrent to them.

It is this commonly held ideal of sex being special only in the context of a monogamous relationship that polyamorous people like me reject. The very term ?casual sex? implies that enjoying sex outside of a monogamous relationship is somehow less meaningful, less valuable, to both parties involved. Casual sex is cheap sex, unlike the premium monogamous stuff. But this smug, disdainful view isn?t supported by any evidence. There are no empirical, objectively verifiable facts showing conclusively that safe and consensual casual sex is less beneficial or more pernicious than monogamous sex. And the a priori premise of anti-casual sex arguments put forth by those like Emma Rush and Clive Hamilton is often rooted in religious soil. As Wilson writes:

Claims of the rightness of a sexuality confined to ?loving relationships? and the alleged profanity of casual sex must refer to the commandments of some metaphysical authority, unless Rush and Hamilton assume an infallible authority for themselves. Alternatively, their positions are social constructs, and if that is the case, we need to be convinced why they ought to have more influence over us than any other social construct. Empirical evidence for claims is the best way to establish this. Rush and Hamilton et al need to prove the ?sacredness? of sex, the profanity of casual sex, and the need to confine sex to loving relationships, or risk being perceived as founding their campaign in a crypto theology that is of no real consequence to anyone other than those who believe in it.


Russell Blackford (who blogged about Wilson?s essay and led me to it) has this to say about the issue:
The recurrent theme seems to be that [anti-porn campaigners] want to ensure that our society decisively privileges sex within committed, loving, monogamous (though, to be fair, not necessarily heterosexual with all these campaigners) relationships. This should be privileged to such an extent that no messages favouring other kinds of sexual activity should be tolerated - all such messages should be subjected at least to strong moral(istic) criticism and possibly to some kind of legal deterrence.

If that's not what these people are really saying, let them clarify it, please, because I agree with Wilson that that's how it often comes across from the likes of Emma Rush and Clive Hamilton. Wilson quotes Hamilton as saying: ?Perhaps this is why many people are left with a vague feeling that each time they have casual sex they give away a little of themselves, that something sacred is profaned and they are diminished as a result. Casual sex truly is meaningless sex.?

Well, it may be that ?many people? feel like that, especially if they've been socialised to feel like that. It may also be that many other people do not feel like that at all, and perhaps we shouldn't support socialising young people to feel like that.

Blackford?s last comments suggest a chicken-or-egg question. Do people, young or old, who have casual sex think less of themselves because a sex-negative society has taught them to see casual sex as demeaning even though it isn?t? Or is casual sex inherently demeaning, a fact that society is simply recognising and attempting to mitigate with its sex-negativity? I?m betting that it?s the former.



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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zynga buys Draw Something creator, OMGPOP

Zynga, the undisputed behemoth in social gaming, has just acquired OMGPOP, the developer of a hugely successful game called Draw Something.


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Mexico's Pacific coast no stranger to earthquakes

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? A powerful earthquake Tuesday that centered along the Pacific coast of southern Mexico occurred in a region with a history of unleashing damaging jolts, scientists say.

Since 1973, the seismically active coast has been rocked by 15 major quakes magnitude-7 or larger. The deadliest occurred in 1985 when a magnitude-8 struck, sending shock waves to Mexico City that killed thousands.

"It's a very active zone," said Stanford University geophysicist Greg Beroza, who has done field work in the area.

The latest quake was smaller ? with a preliminary magnitude of 7.4 ? and struck about 300 miles south of the 1985 quake at the boundary where the Cocos plate dives beneath Mexico. Dozens of homes buckled near the epicenter and shaking was felt in Mexico City, where high-rises swayed and panicked residents streamed into the streets.

Unlike in 1985, Tuesday's quake did not severely damage the capital, mainly because it wasn't as large and did not release as much energy. Since Mexico City was built on an ancient lakebed, long periods of shaking from the 1985 temblor amplified the destruction. That quake destroyed 400 buildings and damaged thousands more.

The latest jolt "wouldn't have been nearly as effective at generating those deep bass tones" that caused the damage seen in 1985, USGS seismologist Susan Hough said in an email.

As governments and residents tally the damage, scientists warned about aftershocks. At least half a dozen, the largest recorded at magnitude-5.1, have already rattled Mexico City and the borders of Oaxaca and Guerrero near the epicenter.

"Any time there's a big earthquake, prepare for more," said seismologist Kate Hutton of the California Institute of Technology. The shaking "will go on for weeks."



U.S. Geological Survey:


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Humble Bundle brings Canabalt and more to Android

January saw the release of the first ever Humble Bundle for Android, and now the organization is back with a first of another sort for the platform -- five of them, in fact. The second mobile-focused Humble Bundle sees five games making their Android debut, including iPhone favorite Canabalt (now with a two-player mode and Android-exclusive 3D option), plus Zen Bound 2, Cogs, Swords and Soldiers and Avadon: The Black Fortress HD (the latter specific to Android tablets). Along with those comes a beta version of Humble Bundle's own app (up from an alpha release before), which makes it a bit easier to download the games and check for updates since all of this is handled outside of Google Play. As with all Humble Bundles, you can set your own price for the bundle, with an amount of your choosing going to the Child's Play charity and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and you'll also get desktop versions of all five games for Windows, Mac and Linux. A Steam key is included with all purchases over $1 as well (although it doesn't yet include Canabalt), and they've even thrown in soundtracks for three of the games for good measure.

Continue reading Humble Bundle brings Canabalt and more to Android

Humble Bundle brings Canabalt and more to Android originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 19 Mar 2012 13:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

School denies American shot in Yemen proselytized

(AP) ? The school employing an American teacher gunned down in Yemen has denied accusations that he was proselytizing Christianity.

A text message that circulated by mobile phone in Yemen said that "holy warriors" had killed "a senior missionary" in the central city of Taiz, shortly after the teacher was shot dead Sunday by two gunmen on a motorcycle.

It was impossible to confirm the claim of responsibility. Al-Qaida and other militant groups are active in Yemen, which has suffered a breakdown of central state authority during the country's yearlong uprising.

Taiz security director Ali al-Saidi said Monday that the investigation is still ongoing.

A statement from the International Training Development Centre in Taiz identified the victim as Joel Shrum, an American development worker living in Yemen with his wife and two children since 2010.

The school denied that Shrum was proselytizing, saying that he "highly respected" Islam. It said Muslims and Christians work together on "human development, skill transfer and community development" projects there and that religious and political debates are not permitted.

The release said the school "is calling on the Yemeni people to rise up and rejects the hatred and violence in their country."

The (Lancaster) Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era ( identified Shrum, 30, as a former resident of the central Pennsylvania town of Mount Joy.

Shrum's father told the newspaper his son loved his job. "He was just motivated by especially seeing people coming out of poverty," James Shrum said.

Joel Shrum had last talked to his family on Friday, discussing a planned vacation together this summer, the newspaper reported.

Shrum was a standout football player at Donegal High School, where former coach Gayne Deshler remembered him as a team-first player. Deshler told the newspaper he worried about Shrum and other family members who did church worker abroad, fearing the kind of violence that took Shrum's life.

"They were the kind of family you could see doing that because they were always more interested in other people than themselves," he said.

Associated Press


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Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Portable Web: Computer In Your Pocket - Small Business Trends

I was worried she wouldn?t give it back. ?I was standing in an airport waiting for a seat on another overcrowded flight. A petite woman tapped me on my shoulder and asked to use my phone. She needed to tell her family about the delay. Without hesitation I said, ?Yes,? and gave her my cell phone.

mobile web

But the second she had it in hand, I panicked in my mind. What if she just kept walking? What if she stole it? Are my passwords backed up? Are my passwords password protected? Why did I give her my computer ? I mean phone ? in the first place?

Our Smart Phones Can Do So Much?

We can check our bank accounts, read articles, and if the connection is strong enough, watch videos. I keep a few ebooks in there in case I?m in a line somewhere. I don?t even carry my camera consistently any more.

I keep coupon codes and my Starbucks card in that phone (love that little app). I bet I could build a website with my iPhone if I really had too. I?m justing saying the MacBook Air may have been the world?s thinnest computer (when it launched in 2008) but the smart phone is the world?s smallest.

It?s funny, as small business owners finally begin to realize how important their web presence is in general, there?s a new frontier (because there?s always a new frontier).

The Portable Web Keeps Getting Smaller?

In the 2011 Freelancer Fast 50, highlights the fastest growing online jobs of last year and requests for mobile phone related jobs was #1.? There was a 216% growth in those types of job requests. ?Android related jobs was #5 (163.70% growth). ?iPad related jobs was #8 (125.89% growth). ?iPhone related jobs was #19 (81.66%).

As you seek to create a website that works as hard as you do, consider your impact on the smart phone. As for the woman from the airport ? she gave the phone back. ?As for me ? I now back up more plus I make the phone calls for the person, because I can?t afford to loose that little computer (and I still want to be helpful).

As for you ? is your company?s web presence portable enough? Does it play nice with smartphone?

Portable Web Photo via Shutterstock

About the Author

Jamillah WarnerJamillah Warner (Ms.J), a poet with a passion for business, is a Georgia-based writer and speaker and the Marketing Coordinator at Nobuko Solutions. She also provides marketing and communication quick tips in her getCLEAR! MicroNewsletter.



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In most circumstances, declaring bankruptcy is voluntary, nonetheless, some creditors can make the company or individual who owes income (debtor) go into bankruptcy.

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Criminal Law is the title given to the branch of law that governs an individual?s romantic relationship to the state. It includes the definitions of criminal offenses, which are normally established by Congress or state legislatures. The term ?criminal law? also encompasses the rights of an accused and the criminal method, such as arrest, arraignment, grand juries, pleas, discovery, pretrial hearings, trials, jury choice, proof, motions, and posttrial remedies. The primary objective of the criminal law is to set forth the punishment for criminal offenses. In order to demonstrate any crime, no matter how serious, the prosecutor should prove that the accused committed a guilty act with a guilty thoughts beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Today in History

Today is Saturday, March 17, the 77th day of 2012. There are 289 days left in the year. This is St. Patrick's Day.

Today's Highlight in History:

On March 17, 1912, the Camp Fire Girls organization was incorporated in Washington, D.C., two years to the day after it was founded in Thetford, Vt. (The group is now known as Camp Fire USA.)

On this date:

In A.D. 461 (or A.D. 493, depending on sources), St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, died in Saul.

In 1762, New York's first St. Patrick's Day parade took place.

In 1776, British forces evacuated Boston during the Revolutionary War.

In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the first king of a united Italy.

In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt first likened crusading journalists to a man with "the muckrake in his hand" in a speech to the Gridiron Club in Washington.

In 1910, the U.S. National Museum, a precursor to the National Museum of Natural History, opened in Washington, D.C.

In 1941, the National Gallery of Art opened in Washington, D.C.

In 1942, six days after departing the Philippines during World War II, Gen. Douglas MacArthur declared, "I came through and I shall return" as he arrived in Australia to become supreme commander of Allied forces in the southwest Pacific theater.

In 1950, scientists at the University of California at Berkeley announced they had created a new radioactive element, "californium."

In 1966, a U.S. midget submarine located a missing hydrogen bomb which had fallen from an American bomber into the Mediterranean off Spain.

In 1970, the United States cast its first veto in the U.N. Security Council. (The U.S. killed a resolution that would have condemned Britain for failure to use force to overthrow the white-ruled government of Rhodesia.)

In 1992, 29 people were killed in the truck bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Illinois, Sen. Alan Dixon was defeated in his primary re-election bid by Carol Moseley-Braun, who went on to become the first black woman in the U.S. Senate.

Ten years ago: A grenade attack on a Protestant church in Islamabad, Pakistan, killed five people, including a U.S. Embassy employee and her 17-year-old daughter. After nearly a year's run, Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick left the Broadway hit musical "The Producers." (They later returned for a limited engagement.)

Five years ago: Denouncing a conflict entering its fifth year, protesters across the country raised their voices against U.S. policy in Iraq and marched by the thousands to the Pentagon. John Backus, the developer of Fortran, a programming language that changed how people interacted with computers, died in Ashland, Ore., at age 82.

One year ago: The U.N. Security Council paved the way for international air strikes against Moammar Gadhafi's forces, voting to authorize military action to protect civilians and impose a no-fly zone over Libya. U.S. drone missiles hit a village in Pakistan; U.S. officials said the group targeted was heavily armed and that some of its members were connected to al-Qaida, but Pakistani officials said the missiles hit a community meeting, killing four Taliban fighters and 38 civilians and tribal police. Michael Gough, the British actor best known for playing Bruce Wayne's butler Alfred in a series of Batman movies, died in England at age 94. Country music entertainer Ferlin Husky, 85, died in Nashville, Tenn.

Today's Birthdays: Jazz/New Age musician Paul Horn is 82. The former national chairwoman of the NAACP, Myrlie Evers-Williams, is 79. Rock musician Paul Kantner is 71. Singer-songwriter Jim Weatherly is 69. Singer-songwriter John Sebastian (The Lovin' Spoonful) is 68. Rock musician Harold Brown (War; Lowrider Band) is 66. Actor Patrick Duffy is 63. Actor Kurt Russell is 61. Country singer Susie Allanson is 60. Actress Lesley-Anne Down is 58. Actor Mark Boone Jr. is 57. Country singer Paul Overstreet is 57. Actor Gary Sinise is 57. Actor Christian Clemenson is 54. Former basketball and baseball player Danny Ainge is 53. Actress Vicki Lewis is 52. Actor Casey Siemaszko (sheh-MA'-zshko) is 51. Writer-director Rob Sitch is 50. Actor Rob Lowe is 48. Rock singer Billy Corgan is 45. Rock musician Van Conner (Screaming Trees) is 45. Actor Mathew St. Patrick is 44. Actor Yanic (YAH'-neek) Truesdale is 43. Rock musician Melissa Auf der Maur is 40. Soccer player Mia Hamm is 40. Rock musician Caroline Corr (The Corrs) is 39. Actress Amelia Heinle is 39. Actress Marisa Coughlan is 38. Rapper Swifty (D12) is 37. Actress Natalie Zea (zee) is 37. Actress Brittany Daniel is 36. Actress Eliza Hope Bennett is 20.

Thought for Today: "It is my rule never to lose me temper till it would be detrimental to keep it." ? Sean O'Casey, Irish playwright (1880-1964).

(Above Advance for Use Saturday, March 17)

Copyright 2012, The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


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